Thursday, January 1, 2009

Turned the page !!

Heyloo !! Hope you guys enjoyed last night.Either u follow1981’s or 1987’s or 1998’s calendar or say 2009. The dates and the days are similar , just the time has changed. These yrs starts with Thursday and ends with Thursday. There are many such years which has similar dates and days .but who cares ? time will never stop for anyone,fuck everyone. Keep the pace ,challenging the race. Set a target and get the target. Just don’t care if someone says who you are , just be the way you are. That’s how you can win a race. Peace.

Wishing you a very happy new year!! May all your resolutions last as long as u want them to!!


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Hashan Hazarika's notepad!! by Hashan Hazarika is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 India License.
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